Thursday, July 17, 2014

Corson MTC P-Day #1

buenos diss familia,
i only have one hour and the keyboards are differnet here so my grammar will be terrible.. so here goes my first week.. i got on the plane and sat next to a 20 yr old hermana who was going to the ccm (MTC) as well. she is going to serve in new york city, spanish speaking. it was very cool to meet her cus she reminded me of kylee so much so it was kinda like having my sister next to me on the way to mexico, we talked like the whole time. once arrived, we had to do all of the new missionary things like unpacking and getting organized and a ton of new missionary standards devotionals and meetings the first couple days. but the first night we had a get to know you with the rest of the elders in my district. come to find out, elder king (from home ward in AZ) is in my district, my house, and his room is literally right next to mine, pretty awesome to have him here with me. our district has 12 people in it including 2 hermanas. half of us are going to my mission and the other half are going to other parts in mexico. oh and elder greene who was elder kings companion is still his companion and in the same house as us as well. we have a pretty great district. my companion, elder garret is great too. very energetic and ready to work. btw elder garret and i got called to be district leaders so he was the first 3 weeks and i have the 2nd 3 weeks in the ccm. (Another Elder) is also in our district. he actually has been having a ton of trouble with homesickness and has actually went to the ccm (doctor) and been missing a lot of classes because of it which is no bueno but he is a very smart kid and is pretty cool. very reserved. i have been getting to know him better and trying to help him out as much as i can because it helps me with the homesickness as well ... i feel pretty bad for him. we gave him a blessing of comfort a couple days ago and so far its been helping a lot. he is a pretty awesome kid and his companion, elder healey is too. elder healey is from utah and knows spanish the most of us and its crazy how it worked out ... elder healey has been helping (us) out alot! so far heres what i learned the first week in terms of spanish.. the spanish alphabet. how to pray in spanish, testimony in spanish, and missionary purpose in spanish, i have learned more in this first week then i have in my 2 years of high school spanish classes,, amazing what the gift of tongues can do! also, my companion and i had to teach our first "investigator" on the third day for a half hour and she didnt know any english. we taught here about the espiritu santo (holy spirit) and we felt its presence so strongly. we have been teaching her every weekday since teaching everything from eternal families to the baptism commitment we asked her last night. she wasnt sure yet so we asked her to read some scriptures and we are following up with her tonight (during) the last lesson with her. shes obviousily a fake investigator and we are pretty sure she is gonna teach us this week and next on what we did wrong and right so thats awesome. the feeling i got when i taught here was incredible. i feel like you are invincible when she understands your spanish! i am going to try to memorize d&c 4 before next pday which is thursday for me. it will be every thursday and this will be around the time i email too, the food is good most days. picture school cafeteria food but just turned mexican. lots of taquitoes, nachos, tacos, and a lot of other stuff i have no idea what to call. for example, yesterday we had mashed potato sandwiches for the main course. literally 2 pieces of bread with mashed potatoes in the middle lol. i added some hot sauce and it was great! i have eaten hot sauce with like every meal and my stomach has been great so far... fingers crossed. also their cereal here is amazing! its soo sweet and tastes so much better than at home, muy bueno. everyday we get like an hour to work out or play sports and i played soccer the first day with a couple buddies from our house, and the rest of the days ive been ownin it on the volleyball court lol no but actually these last 2 days the players have been so bad that i just had to leave. serve, hit miss, serve hit miss, 20 minutes straight.. i am still terrible at basketball so ive been stayin away from that.. i am still holdin true to my word about being frugal! we get 100 pesos a week and i spent my 100 on a hymn book and laundry soap. i have bought nothing else. overall i am super happy to be here and to be honest have been trying to lose myself in the work. the one time I cried just a little was when a group of missionaries got up in sacrament meeting to sing moms song to teagy in spanish acapella. that was it though. i havent had any "oh my goodness moments" yet dad so keeping my fingers crossed they wont come so soon. i am truly happy to be hear and am excited to continue Padre Celestials work! I love you guys so much and hope you are all doing well!
--- your missionary, Elder Anderson ;)

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